Monday, April 6, 2015

In the meantime...

It's not like I've just been doing school work since my last post! Here are a few of the London adventures since the big game...

Tori and I took a day to check out Greenwich, and we had to take a touristy picture at the Prime Meridian.

I finally took a Jack the Ripper tour! Super fun, and the tour guide did a fantastic job.

And a few of my flat mates and I played bubble football! It was awesome.

Also, I forgot to mention that when Linda was in town, we went to see Stratford-Upon-Avon! Beautiful little town, where Shakespeare was born, and is buried.

France; Lyon and Annecy

 Well as usual I have managed to neglect my blog. But I'm back! Its been crazy busy here for the past few weeks, and shows no signs of slowing down any time soon! Since my last post, Terry came to visit, then Linda stopped by for a few days. Then I met up with Linda in Lyon! France was beautiful, and the food was fantastic! We stayed in Lyon for a few days, and took a day trip to Annecy- a cute little town on a like at the base of the Alps.
Now that I'm back in England, I've been enjoying the Easter holiday with Steve and Julie. They were kind enough to treat me to the most American day I've had since Thanksgiving, and we had Taco Bell and went to see Fast and Furious 7 :)
One last update before I dash off again- My dissertation proposal finally received ethical approval! One step closer to my masters!